Ths week in IT Service Management Weekly the Podcast, Chris, Matt and I record live from the ITSMF Fusion 10 conference. It's only 20 minutes, so I have also put in here the following podcast.
LIVE from itSMF Fusion 2010 ITSM Weekly The Podcast (Week 34) from ServiceSphere on Vimeo.
ITSM Weekly The Podcast (Episode 35) from ServiceSphere on Vimeo.
I See A Pink Door and I Wanted Painted Black
What happens when a CIO, a Service Desk Manager and an Industry Junkie Chat Weekly?!
Submit Questions: Anonymously or Email or Call In: (765) 236-6383 or Twitter Questions/Comments #ITSMWP
Episode 35 Topics:
- The first video of the recording of the Podcast
- PS I am shy
- Brainshark
- Shareshare Pro
- Inforonics SupportCast Video
- Baron at itSMF Fusion 2010
- Rutgers Student Suicide
- Robert Stroud Loves to SPAM the #HDI Hashtag
- itSMF UK 2010 Conference
- New Style Retweet
- Hooper SKIPPED my session at itSMF Fusion
- HDI support via Twitter
- ITSM History (CRM and ITSM Meet 1999-2002)
- HDI Membership Levels
- Pink Elephant
- New Kindle
- The God Delusion (Richard Dawkin)
- The Greatest Show on Earth (Richard Dawkin)
- Hooper’s Attention Seeking History
- Pink Elephant
- ITSM New Media Essentials Class (The Class NO ITSM professional should be without)
- Pink Elephant 2011 Conference
- HDI Service Management Conference
- HDI, itSMF and Pink Elephant the Vendor View
- South by SouthWest
- Michael Cote and RedMonk
- Rob England (The ITSkeptic)
- Skeptic CMDB
- Let’s pick on Skep like Ivor Macfarlane
- What Defines a “VENDOR”
- The CMDB Imperative Review book, See Review Here
- The IT Skeptics looks at CMDB
- Power and Responsibility
- Ivanka Menken Defined
- HDI 2011 Conference (March 2011)
- itSMF UK 2010
- ITSMWP Rest of the World Edition Podcast
- Ian Clayton
- Pointillism
- Hooper Throws DOWN!! “GOD” on Twitter
- Scripture Portion of the Show
- Hooper: John 3:16
- Chris: Matthew 35-25
- Fizzy Duck Tweets
- Ian Clayton’s Hair
- Farrah Fawcett Hair