You are going to love this weeks podcast.
Show notes here:
ITSM Weekly The Podcast (Week 25) from ServiceSphere on Vimeo.
Show Hosts:
Christopher Dancy
Matt Beran
Matthew Hooper
Special Guest 1: - Ivanka Menken
Submit Questions: Anonymously or Email or Call In: (765) 236-6383 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (765) 236-6383 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or Twitter Questions/Comments #ITSMWP
Sponsor: Hornbill Software
Sponsor Special: You Choose!!
Week 25 Topics:
■Hornbill You Choose
■Ivanka Menken
■The Ivanka Interview
■Hooray for Menkenwood
■The Art of Service
■What advice would you give a young woman today?
■Hoop throws down the TRUTH between a MANs answer and a womans.
■Marriage statistics
■Roman Polanski
■The Ivanka Twitter
■My Hero List
■What is EO?
■Can I get a witness?
HDI Minnesota
Global Internet Speeds
Hornbill You Choose
■Roy Atkinson and #custserv Tuesdays
■Connect, Learn, Grow itSMF Podcast
■Hoopers Tuesday Nights
■Roy Atkinson on Twitter
■Live Stream with Google Wave
■ITSM Tools, where are the LIST of Service Desk Tools and Others??
■Novell My CMDB
■Open Source ITSM Tool: OTRS
■Tag Bubble for your Help Desk ( Wordle)
■Beran Stikes again
■The only text you need in a close ticket email
■Get Glue
■Free yourself from chatter
■Hoops Tool Preview
■Future Social Media Stream
■LinkedIn Needs a Meet The Fockers Button
■Ivanka LinkedIn BEST practices
■The Burning Bed
■The ITIL Experience v1
■Become an author for v2 “The ITIL Experience”
■Fusion 2010 (Meet Ivanka there)
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