Thursday, January 6, 2011

ITSM Weekly the Podcast (Week36) - Guest Speaker: Ian Clayton

My dad was a mechanic, he is the farthest thing from a "Computer Guy" as you can get.  Seriously, I have to use Webex to support him because I just don't have the patience to walk him through screen clicks, but that's a whole other blog.  Yet, he was not unlike most of the IT professionals I have worked with.  Let me explain: He owned his on Garage, a Service Station, so it was naturally ingrained into me that when people had problems with their technology (uhm yes, Cars are technology) that they would take it to him to have it "serviced".  This idea of going to professionals to have your problems handled is by no means new.  Yet somewhere along the line service standards changed.  Let me illustrate.  I remember pumping gas as a kid for my dads customers (yeah for real, people didn't actually do it themselves), I would even check the oil, wash the windshields, and even clean the wiper blades.  Also, you could get any type of car repaired, and we did any type of repair. We were a "Full Service" station.  Times have changed we now have "Self Service" stations where you get Gas and typically food goods and other non-automotive related convenience items.  "Full Service" stations you get your gas pumped and that's usually it.  As for car repairs, you go to specialists, Brakes, Mufflers, Transmissions, etc...  The progression has been, as people became more comfortable with their technology, they have become more self sufficient, able to service themselves and look for value added services to their time and convenience.   
I see the IT industry heading down the same path.  IT staff used to be great to help setup network switches, desktops, install applications.  Now an office manager or receptionist won't get hired without knowing these skills.  Thus IT leaders need to look at the trends to help customers be serviced better, more conveniently, enable and empower them to help themselves.  In Episode 36 we have a great guest and legend in the IT Service Management space, Ian Clayton.  Ian is a very forward thinking expert on customer service management and speaks frequently on the concept of "Outside-In".  I hope you enjoy this podcast, as much as I did and I can not recommend his book enough, USMBOK for IT service Management.  Ian has offered a %50 when you enter the code "servicesphere" at check out.

Shownotes and details here:

ITSM Weekly The Podcast (Episode 36) from ServiceSphere on Vimeo.

Special Guest:  Ian Clayton, Ian's Blog Here, See Ian in January 2011Here!
Submit Questions:  Anonymously or Email or Call In: (765) 236-6383 or Twitter Questions/Comments #ITSMWP
Episode 36 Topics:
COOL DEAL:  50%  OFF USMBOK for ITSM Weekly Podcast Listners!  Enter Code "servicesphere" at checkout