Tuesday, December 21, 2010

ITSM Weekly the Podcast (Week34 & 35) - ITSMF Video and Post Show Episode

Many people ask me why I am part of certain associations.  SIM (Society of Information Management), HDI (Help Desk Institute), ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association), and ITSMF (Information Technology Service Management Forum).  The first reason is to meet smart people.  I don't have time to research the latest and greatest trends, practices, and keep up on who's who.  Since 2004, I have had a dual role of chief marketing and technologist.  Each of those disciplines area in and of themselves morphing at lightning speed.  So to keep up, I've found networking with folks for a few hours and hearing a presentation on certain topics keeps me in the know.   Sadly, however, the value of networking groups have diminished as committees are formed and political agendas are pushed.  The value of volunteer-ism is diminished because of prominence or association. What do I mean?  Take for instance the hard working independent consultant who is out working it, and offers to give his experience of deploying a Service Desk at 5 clients vs. the Service Desk Manager for a well known financial institute that has hired guns at their disposal for the hard work.   The committees for choosing speakers all too frequently discount the independent because of fear that they will try to sell the audience, and will choose the big company profile.  Even if the IC has proven to put a lot into the organization.  Give me a break!   First off, 30-50% of the audience at these conferences have either been, are, or will be a consultant at some point in their career.  Second, a SPAMMY consultant is pretty easy to call out.  Anyone who has been at this for a while knows that if you pitch at a conference you loose your audience and credibility fast.  Staying hard-core has always shown value and increased the awareness of your skills and thus led to follow on work.  Even if you are not a polished speaker, simply speaking from the heart on real world experiences and engaging the audience in a mutual discussion will drive more value.  So committee members I call out to you, if you want my continued membership.  Get the workers out in front of us and save the experts for panel discussions.  We want to hear "real world".   Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we shouldn't have real practitioners from the Big name companies.  Believe me, I appreciate their discussions.  However, if you have attended these conferences and meetings, you have seen that it is "always" these folks.  I'm saying give us people who are dynamic, exciting and know what they are talking about, regardless of their role, company or title.  Just keep it real!

Ths week in IT Service Management Weekly the Podcast, Chris, Matt and I record live from the ITSMF Fusion 10 conference.  It's only 20 minutes, so I have also put in here the following podcast.

LIVE from itSMF Fusion 2010 ITSM Weekly The Podcast (Week 34) from ServiceSphere on Vimeo.

ITSM Weekly The Podcast (Episode 35) from ServiceSphere on Vimeo.

I See A Pink Door and I Wanted Painted Black
What happens when a CIO, a Service Desk Manager and an Industry Junkie Chat Weekly?!
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Episode 35 Topics: